Monday, November 10, 2008

Faberge Monstrosities

Good evening my dear readers. 

I've been working on a short story that might end up being a long one. The working title right now is "Faberge Monstrosities," but it might be changed when I, you know, write more than one chapter of the book. The first chapter is for you to read and (hopefully) comment. Let me know what you think. 

Chapter 1- Alliterate Associates 

Once upon a time, a time not so long ago, lived a young girl and her stuffed octopus. The girl was rather plain, with thin, brown hair, bandy legs and noticeably large brown eyes. The girl and her octopus lived in a city a size Goldilocks would have taken a liking to. She lived with her mother whom she called Mother, and a father whom she called Father. Neither adult is pertinent to this story. 
On this particular day, her hair was plastered to her face with shaving cream she acquired from her father's medicine cabinet. She found the look quite comely upon further reflection through self-reflection, by way of a looking glass. She was sure that Lord Sticky-fingers was of the same opinion, although she did not press him on the subject. The girl had started calling him Lord Sticky-fingers to gain much needed credibility among her colleauges, although in secret she still called him by his original name: Pinky. He is in fact pink, so the name seemed entirely appropriate at the time. 
Eleanor slips on her favorite pink dress and squeezes into her tap shoes that are two years old and consequently two sizes too small. She contemplates cutting off one of her toes, but then how would she count to twenty? No, no, today was not the day for snipping appendages. Science day was at the end of the month. 
Eleanor grabs a handful of candy corn and heads for the door. 

[It's always Halloween at Eleanor's house. Curiouser and curiouser.]

She informs her mother that she is going out and to have any callers wait for her in the parlor. She pauses and then adds, "Tell them to go away unless they have brought a disposable cootie shot dispenser with them." Now was not the time to get sick. 
Eleanor slings her leather satchel over her shoulder (which Mother had tailored to be just the right size for her little Nora) and heads purposefully dow the street. She changes her pace quite frequently so as to change the music her feet make. 


Where is Eleanor going so tenaciously on this particular Saturday? Why, Ned's house of course. Ned and Eleanor played together every Saturday, and most days for that matter. Eleanor and Ned were best friends. Ned and Nora. 
They played such classic childhood games as "Christmas Tree Hunting," and "Rocks: A Menace to Society." Although the first game is fairly self-explanatory, "Rocks" may not have been played in your neighborhood. 
In "Rocks: A Menace to Society," Eleanor and Ned would collect all the rocks they could find. They usually had to go to the park, as neither Nora nor Nedly had backyards. Once they found a good amount of rocks of various sizes, one of them would play the role of Rock Catcher. A rock catcher is similar to a dog catcher. The rocks are similar to dogs. The Rock Catcher goes rock hunting to round up the mangy minerals and put them in the pound. The other child, the rock hider, now plays the role of Excited Child, looking for the perfect pet rock to take home. 

The Rock Catcher is the highly coveted role. 

After a rousing game of Christmas Tree Hunting, both children were in particularly high spirits. As they headed back to Ned's house for a cup of hot chocolate with TWO puffy marshmallows, the children noticed that something wasn't quite right. Eleanor spotted it first; or rather, she sensed it. Nora looked up at the sky and noticed the time of day; it was dusk. Strange things always seemed to happen to Eleanor at dusk. 
Dusk was a magical in between time, that wasn't quite day and wasn't quite night. Reality began to fade with the setting sun and the fantastical world became clearer. Eleanor always felt that magic didn't seem quite so absurd and childish at twilight. 
She noticed her neighbor Mrs. Cabbage walking down the street pushing her cart full of groceries and her pet rabbit, Peaches, hopping sideways and soundlessly behind her. Mrs. Cabbage always pushed a cart full of groceries, so that wasn't the problem. It was something else. Eleanor yanked Ned by the arm and dragged him over to Mrs. Cabbage to see what was so different. 
"Salutations, Mrs. Cabbage," greeted Eleanor as politely and loudly as she could manage. (Mrs. Cabbage never seemed to hear Eleanor when she addressed her, so Eleanor felt it best to yell and wave her arms.) 
Mrs. Cabbage looked at her with a smile and said "...." 

Nothing. It was then when Eleanor noticed that Mrs. Cabbage's mouth was sewn together. Not in a crude way, but delightfully stitched like a needlepoint pillow. Mrs. Cabbage didn't seem worried about not being able to talk. She looked at Eleanor and Ned after saying...nothing...and continued to push her cart. Peaches followed suit. 
As Mrs. Cabbage hobbled away, Eleanor noticed a brightly colored Easter Egg dangling from a chain around Mrs. Cabbage's neck. She knew that Mrs. Cabbage didn't wear any jewelry. What was this mysterious egg? 
"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark," noted Ned as he recorded their findings in his pocket-sized moleskin. 

Something rotten indeed. 

Sunday, November 9, 2008

that's what she said

It's coming. It's fabulous. With even more hilarity than ever before. 

Electric Dream Machine. 

You've been warned. 

Saturday, November 8, 2008

You don't know the cupid shuffle?

So last night I went to the Rock It Grill for karaoke. Before you ask, I was amazing. The Fugees never sounded so good. You're welcome, world. 

There was, however, someone who had an even better night than I. Or, the loneliest existence ever. That man: red shirt polo guy. 

At first, red shirt polo guy was your average lonely bar dude. I thought he was pretty cute (naturally with his unusually large nose, enormous eyes and awkward composure). He would stand on the dance floor, watching the karaoke singers, appearing to look around for someone who never came. THEN.. the dance music came on. 

Red shirt polo guy was in his element! He danced with a new girl during every song, and not just typical guy dance moves, oh no. There was back to back, frontsies to frontsies, even butt to butt. The ladies seemed to be enjoying it. Kudos, red shirt polo guy. 

When the dance music switched back to karaoke (songs ranging from Gretchen Wilson's "Redneck Woman" to Journey's Wheel in the Sky"), red shirt polo guy would look around for his next victim. OR.. winner. 

So here's to you, red shirt polo guy. Keep dancing. Maybe next time you'll even sing a few karaoke songs. We'll be waiting. 

Friday, November 7, 2008

That's not lotion on my arm!

I think that time has come again. Yes, I believe it's been long enough. 

It's time for a new facebook picture. 

Because I am in Grad school and 
have no life, there are less opportunities for photo shoots. Depressing, I know, but it was one of the first things to go upon graduation. Or so I'm told. 

So, being the amazing person that I am (aka owning a macbook and a kickass halloween costume) I created my own photo shoot. In my bedroom. By myself. 

Needless to say, these photos would probably spark more questions then compliments. "Why is she in her bedroom?" "She told me she didn't go out on halloween!" "Is that yesterday's makeup?" And so forth. 

So if you're in desperate need of a new facebook picture, these are the necessary steps: 

1. Find friends 
2. Go out with friends
3. Take drunken pictures out at a place (not your bedroom) 
4. Crop yourself out of said pictures so people know you have friends
5. WARNING: Under no circumstances do you use piknick or piknik or peekneek or whatever the hell it's called. No one cares that you're BFFools 4 LYFE. I sure as hell don't. But then what do I know, I hold spontaneous photo shoots in my bedroom. And no, that's not a euphemism. 

I hope you find this 5 step plan helpful. I need to go put a shirt on. 

Thursday, November 6, 2008

cheating: my favorite deviant behavior

Actually, it's not. But it's the one i participated in today. 

As a semi-M.Ed student, I have to complete 30 observation hours in a high school. It was actually quite interesting the first day- eh, the first period. Then it got really old. It's like being at a really crappy job without getting paid. Or being acknowledged. 

Anyway, the assistant principal is rarely there when I go in to observe. So naturally when I went in today, she had no idea who I was. Luckily I had my handy nametag on, so she caught on pretty quickly. She had already signed my observation form saying that I had completed 30 hours of observation, even though I had 6 hours left to go. I was going to finish them today. 

This is when the cheating happens: 

So, instead of going and observing yet again another crappy high school english teacher, I peaced the fuck out. 

En route to my actually job (whose currency is money and not signatures) I devised a plan as to why I wasn't there completing my observation. Then I remembered that nobody cares. 

So sometimes, it's ok to cheat. Only when you have the proper documentation to prove it, that is. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I quit until tomorrow

So tonight in my Secondary English Methods class I had to teach a language study lesson. Not too bad, right? Our group went the second week of presentations, and the other groups last week did a fantastic job, so our group was sure to succeed. 


Well as many of you know, I have the tendency in certain situations, to be a complete asshole. I prefer to think of myself as an hilarious realist. Or an asshole. So this is how I respond to many lessons taught. I joke with the "teachers," I answer questions, what have you. Because I am the class asshole, I should probably give the most kick-ass presentation, right? I mean, I have to prove that I'm more than just... an asshole. 

Well, my group did not so well. In fact, I feel as though we were pretty terrible, mainly me. I could barely answer the questions thrown at me about pronouns and I felt like I had to speed through the lesson. None of the other groups had this much trouble! This makes me reconsider my career of becoming a teacher. I mean, I'll probably still do it. I am getting a Master's in Education. What else am I gonna do with that? 

Complain complain complain. Maybe I just won't teach anything. I'll open the class with, "No lesson today, or ever. Good luck with college apps, fuckers!" And then I'll prop my feet up on my desk and read.  

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rufus is a tit man

So this past Friday was my 23rd birthday (woo!) and I was supposed to go to NYC to visit a truly amazing BFFL. Unfortunately, my funds are quite low, and I had to forego the trip. Sad, I know. Anyway, so I get a call from said friend on Saturday about how Rufus Wainwright was playing in the park like 2 feet away from her. For those of you who don't know, Rufus is my favorite singer of all time. I have three tattoos all having to do with his songs. I've seen him in concert twice. I have two of his t-shirts. Obsession. 

So, she meets him. SHE MEETS RUFUS WAINWRIGHT. she got his autograph for me, but SHE MET HIM. I guess that's what I get for breaking plans. 

And there you have it. Now I must get back to studying. How was your 23rd birthday?